Face Skin Lifting Cosmetic Acupuncture

What do you expect during the treatment?

Typically, Face Skin Lifting acupuncture treatment would involve the insertion of about 5 to 15 needles, with the majority on the face and head, and some on other parts of the body. After all the fine needle delicately inserted in the proper location, they are kept in place for another 30-40 minutes, a brief 20 minutes face massage will be followed.

What does it feel like?

Patients might respond differently to acupuncture depending on their individual constitution and sensitivity. Some may not feel anything while the needles are in, while others might experience tingling, warmth or a mild dull ache in some insertion sites. Many of my patients feel extremely relaxing during treatment.

What is the result?

Generally a patient can expect to see improved texture and skin color, with the skin looking smoother, brighter and ruddier, with a more rested and relaxed appearance. There is also a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, sagging jowls, double chin, puffiness and drooping lids.

The best results for facial rejuvenation tend to come with 10 to 12 initial sessions done weekly followed with a maintenance treatment every one to three months.

Some of the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture include:

  • Minimizes the appearance of Fine Lines and wrinkles

  • Reduces Frown Lines

  • Tightens Pores (recommend Skin Spin Roller at home)

  • Increases Collagen Production

  • Brightens the Eyes

  • Improves Muscle Tone

  • Relieves Muscle Tension in Facial Muscles

  • Improves Skin Health

  • Slows the Aging Process

Book now to have a consultation at TG Wellness Clinic.