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Natural Ways To Boost The Immune System | Acupuncture

During the flu season, many people tend to get sick easier but some stand tall even when everyone in their home is sick with the flu. So why do some people get sick or catch a cold very often? It’s all because of the body’s immune system. The immune system is the first line of defense of our body against virus or bacteria entering the body. The stronger your immune system, the lesser your chance of falling ill. Once the immune system is weakened, illness such as frequent colds, allergies, and reoccurring infections happens.

The factors that will weaken the immune system include malnutrition, lack of sleep, stress, insufficient vitamin D or sunlight exposure, harmful chemical agents, some medications such as steroid or medical procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and infections such as HIV.

There are many ways to enhance your immune system to protect you against the virus infection or other types of illness such as cancer. Among them sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, outdoor activities, minimal alcohol intake, quit smoking and exercises are often advised by professionals. There is another natural way to achieve this which is acupuncture treatment. For those people who prone to get asthma attack more often in flu season will get significant improvement if they attend regular acupuncture treatment before the flu season.

What will acupuncture do to boost the immune system? It is known that acupuncture help with insomnia; stress and depression. New study shows that acupuncture could increase red, white and T-cell counts.

Book an appointment today. We can help.